What is a Title?
Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores, a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory, for about as long as anything in the world can remain. And though the dog herself doesn't know or care that her achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans where such things count.A title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable, and good natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that pleased you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed. In addition, a title says that you loved your dog. That you loved to spend time with her because she was a good dog and that you believed in her enough to give her yet another chance when she failed and in the end your faith was justified.A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few, that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return. And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend. Volumes of praise in one small set of initials after the name. An obedience, agility, flyball, herding, etc. title is nothing less than true love and respect, given and received and recorded permanently.--Author unknown.
I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve and be better than I was before. That's me...and I am FREE"
![]() Lynn Mitro and Clem (CH RAE Eagle River Oh My Darling RN BN CD CGC JH NA AXJ NF NFP VCA) Lynn and Clem have been training in obedience since Clem was 8 weeks old. After passing her S.T.A.R. Puppy class, Clem started learning some of the advanced obedience routines used in Rally. Lynn and Clem, at six months of age, entered their first Rally trial in Winston Salem in November. In February 2014 Lynn and Clem earned their RAE title and got high in trial!! Congratulations to a wonderful team! |
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Dani Noto and Briscoe (U-GCh Gingerbreds New
Light@SkyHarbor RN, CGC Dani and Briscoe moved to NC earlier this year, 2014, from Michigan. Soon thereafter they found us and joined our Rally class. Biscoe was a very quick learner and after only one class session on the Novice signs, they entered the Rally trial in Concord on November 13 - 15. Briscoe earned her Rally Novice title that weekend with scores in the 90's! Congratulations to a great team. See you both in Advanced! |
![]() Kim Nordin and Nala (Ludwick's Bianca Von Drea RN NAP) Kim and nala have been training with DogHaven in agility since 2010. In 2013 Kim decided to try Rally. She and Nala attended one novice rally class with us and excelled! They were ready to try competing. Km earned her last leg in February 2014 and earned her RN (Rally Novice title). Kim wants to continue trainng and competing at the next level, Advanced. Congratulations to Kim and Nala and good luck! |
![]() Patty Perkins and RAE Cooper Patty and Cooper began training with DogHaven in 2007 in agility. They were progressing famously until Cooper was injured. After his recovery, he was not allowed to participate in agility, so Patty tried Rally. Cooper loved Rally almost as much as agility! In the fall of 2010 Patty entered Cooper in an AKC Rally trial in Concord and qualified with a first place. As of July 2012 Cooper has his Rally Excellent title and had 5 double queues toward his RAE! Cooper finished his RAE title in Concord 2013. Congratulations! |
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Marylou Kuklentz and ARCHEX Annabel
Lee RAE CGC TDIAOV RL1 (AOE)P4p RAD UR02) CDSP CW-SRA CW-ZR1.5A Annabel has earned her AKC Rally Championship!!! February 2012! MaryLou and Annabel started training with us in 2005.. Annabel was a typical terrier and had a mind of her own. Not giving up, MaryLou dedicated herself to helping Annabel succeed. They attended our obedience group class weekly and Annabel began to respond. Advancing to Rally classes, Annabel began to shine. They began trialing and earned many titles in AKC and APDT Rally! Today Annabel has her AKC and APDT championship titles! Congratulations to this great team! |
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Elizabeth Zembry and Paisley (Zembry's
Red Paisley RAE2 AX OAJ OAP OJP) Elizabeth and Paisley began training with us in 2004 in agility. They have been very successful on the agility field, but since Paisley showed such attention during obedience class, Elizabeth thought that they may also try Rally. Well, Paisley has done fantastic in Rally! They quickly earned their novice, advanced and excellent titles. On February 15, 2008 Elizabeth and Paisley earned their RAE title in Greenville and in 2011 their RAE2 title in Greenville again!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! |
Laura Morefield and Cassius (Cassius Floats Like a Butterfly RN OAP OJP) In 2010 Cassius suffered a severe injury to his hip and rear leg. He required surgery, rest and rehab in order for him to walk again. So, since Cash's agility career became limited, Laura decided to try rally in 2012. After a few classes and some home study, they entered their first trial. Cassius qualified in every run. In November of 2012 Cassius and Laura earned their Rally Novice title! Congratulations to both of you for your accomplishments and perseverance! |
![]() Jody Strait and Bummy RN Jody and Bummy are currently training with us in agility and rally. After only two short classes, Jody entered Bummy in the Greenville SC trials (2012), just to see how she would do. Bummy queued all three days and earned her Novice Rally title! Congratulations to Jody and Bummy! |
![]() Christine Lamano and Bella (Christmas' Annabella Rose RN NF Bella is a girl of many talents. She has run agility, herded sheep, participated in obedience, but has excelled in Rally! In July of 2012 Bella and Christine completed their Rally Novice title in Greenville SC. Congratulations! I know we will see more from you in the future! |
Marylou adopted another little Scottie soon after Annabel, Maddie, and she was an even bigger challenge! Since Rally had helped Annabel with developing attention and discipline, Marylou thought she would also try Maddie. With no expectations Marylou eventually entered Maddie in her first trial. They qualified repeatedly and now have earned their novice and advanced rally titles! Congratulations! |
![]() ![]() MaryLou Kuklentz and ARCH Ellie Marie RN RL1X RL2 UR02 CGC Ellie arrived from a puppy mill, fearful and untrusting. MaryLou has worked very hard to win this girl's trust and confidence. Together they are playing in Rally, earning ribbons and titles. One day MaryLou hopes to run Ellie in agility. Congratulations on your successes! |
![]() MaryLou Kuklentz and MacKenzie Noel CGC, P4p RAD; UR01, RL1X RL2 MacKenzie is a special girl. She has chronic medical problems, so for her to participate in performance sports with MaryLou is something to talk about. This girl gives everything that she has to give and has accomplished so much! Congratulations MacKenzie! and Marylou of course! |
![]() Bob Young and Kaz (Ch Simcha's Kazmisha CD RN NAJ NJP NAP Kaz has done it again. In March of 2011, Bob and Kaz finished their Rally Novice title. At the age of 14, what is next for this boy! Bob and Darius lost Kaz Christmas morning, 2011. We will always remember Kaz and the joy that he brought all of us. |
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Sharee Muench and Alfie RE Sharee and Alfie started Rally training in 2010. In a very short time, Alfie understood the game and was performing perfectly. So, Sharee entered him in an AKC Rally trial just to see what he would do. Nothing rattles Alfie. He went in the ring and did his job to perfection. They qualified and tied for first place with Patty and Cooper. Alfie earned a second place that day, but only by a few seconds. Alfie was exhausted! Congratulations to Alfie and Sharee! |
![]() Jean Tuttle and Deacon (PAM Jericho's Braveheart RN HT OAP AJP NA NAJ) Jean and Deacon have earned titles in agility and herding and now have a rally title! They entered the 2008 Concord rally trial and earned their RN title in just one weekend! With the three performance titles, Deacon now has earned a Performance Award of Merit from the German Shepherd Club. Congratulations! |
![]() Katie Short and Maggie RN Katie and Maggie began taking Rally obedience classes with us in 2007. Maggie seemed to really enjoy it and did very well. In 2008 Katie entered Maggie in her first Rally trial and they queued! At their next trial in Concord, they queued two more times to earn their Novice title!! Congratulations and good luck in future trials! |
![]() ![]() Elizabeth Zembry and Penny (Zembry's Pretty Penny RE NA NAJ) Elizabeth and Penny entered their first Rally trial in February of 2008 and earned their Novice title with exceptionally high scores in just one weekend! Congratulations! |
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Val Aldred and Mozart
Mozart RE OFP OAP OJP CL3H CL2 NAC URO3) Val and Mozart have traveled a challenging path. Mozart was chosen by Val from all of the dogs in the Mecklenburg shelter as the perfect dog. He went home with her with no idea of what he would become. They began in obedience class and moved on to Rally. Obedience seems to be Mozart's forte. Val and Mozart entered an APDT Rally trial and queued in every run earning their APDT level 1 title! After that first trial they now have gone on to earn his APDT championship (ARCH). As of 2010, Mozart began competing in AKC Rally and has just earned his RN title! Congratulations Mo! |
![]() ![]() June Evans and Lad (Ch Misty Mt Clan Shaw Gallant Lad NJP RE TDIAOV) June and Lad have been a very busy team. They have competed in conformation, herding, rally and agility! Lad is an AKC breed champion, has his Rally excellent title and his novice agility jumpers title. Lad also is a therapy dog in his spare time!
![]() June Evans and Chase (Misty Mt Chase the Clouds RN) Chase is following her Dad's footsteps. She earned her Rally Novice title in the first trial weekend that she attended! Congratulations Chase! |
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Hisako Dorsch and
Alex (Alexander Ishiguro Dorsch RAE) We first met Hisako and Alex in February of 2005. Alex was about 6 months old and needed puppy manners. Hisako worked hard with Alex attending group class every week. Hisako and Alex's skills grew quickly and they needed more challenges so they tried Rally. As you can see, they did great in Rally! Alex earned his novice, advanced and excellent titles quickly and began working toward their RAE championship. As of February 2010, Hisako and Alex completed their RAE title! Congratulations! |